Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tears of my Father

As I would visit my father when my wife and I would take a few days off from being on the road, I would wake up in the morning, and my father would be sitting at the kitchen table drinking his morning coffee, reading the newspaper, and he would be in tears.  I always thought that his arthritis would be really painful in the morning, but not the case.  I finally asked him one day while we were alone, his response floored me from my chair.  He talked to me for quite a while.  He had told me that the world was becoming what he had so fervently fought against during World War II.  This was 2003, he had read the patriot act during that time and he had said this is how it all started with Germany in the 30’s.  He said that while in school he had learned about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it had stood at that time.  He had also watched as Franklin had taken so many liberties with the power of the White House.

My father and my uncle both went to war, one in Europe and one in the Pacific.  He also had told me, but what I had already had known, that the American people as a whole were becoming very complacent and unaware of their governments happenings.  He had also had fear being taxed into oblivion as the English had done at the beginning of our great country.  The English were over governing our land and taking all of the riches for themselves, just as the present day government is doing to us today.  His conclusion at that time was,  Why did we fight WWII at all, the wishes that were Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo are coming to pass.

My thoughts were very aroused at this point, so I started following the news and the laws more closely.  I can say almost without hesitation that being a over the road driver, seeing many parts of the country and talking to various people that my father was right.  Being under the direct control  of the U.S. Department of Transportation I feel that I am in 1935 Germany, with the oppression that Jewish had felt, the only difference is I don’t have the tattoo and the YELLOW STAR OF DAVID sown on my shirt.  We as a group of people, the trucking industry, are always asked, show me your papers,  where are you going, and where are you coming from, this is in my opinion a very good and subtle way to bring the masses under control.

As an over the road driver with my wife our every move is tracked. Some companies track their drivers in real time with Qualcom, while a good thing on occasions is just another way of big brother to watch you, it is for own protection.  I would rather be unprotected and follow the guide lines of the 2nd and 4th Amendment of the Constitution.  I am also a Military veteran, Viet Nam, so I have a basic knowledge how to use myself and a firearm as a weapon.

I as a U.S. Citizen love the country I was born in, this country is very fruitful and has a lot of different kinds of people, very diverse.  What I do not like is what our government is doing to its citizens under the guise of it is for your own protection.  We have a Constitution and it has been thrown into the trash.  I took an oath when I went into the service that stated that I would protect and defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, when I was discharge from the service not one person on my exit interviews told me I was dismissed from that obligation, I am a U.S. Citizen.  All government officials take a similar oath of office and at this time I do not see them keeping theirs oaths.  I have respect for all people, but the government has rapidly lost mine.  It will take a very large amount of work for them to reacquire that trust.

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