Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In the days before most of us were born there was a Tri-Partite pact of the most evil people of power. They were Hitler,Musolini, and Hirohito.  Their ambitions were the conquest of their areas of the World, Hitler and Musolin were in Europe, and Hirohito with his co-hortes in Asia, The Greater Asian Co-Prosperity.  This enraged the mostly free countries of the world to the edges of their chairs. The actions of these men brought the world to the war of epic propotions.  Many live were lost on all sides of the globe.  The lives were not only lost due to beliefs and positions of their respective countries but also to the blind following of the leaders above them.   At the end of the war there were trials and finger pointing to this very day.  I have my own thoughts on these subjects as due many other people.

This is the recent history which most of to this day still remember.  The comunism and fascism of the mid 1900's is still fresh in the minds and hearts of the above forty types.  The under forties have not felt the impact of the times of war or post war.  They only know about the hardships thru the school system, or the disabled veteran neighbor or relative.

We now face a new Tri-Partite Pact.  The new pact involves more than three nations.  It involves Obama,or Romney of the U.S.,  the U.N.  Vladamir Putin, Hu Jintao, Goldman Sachs, J.P.Morgan Chase, and last but not least the Council on Foreign relations. The evils in the minds of these men and women far exceed the wildest dreams of their predesessors of the 20th Century.  These people have involved our sovereign nation in many small but costly wars that by all standards of humanity we should have never be involved in.  The costs of these war, have be overwhelming by all standards no only money, but the devastation of countryside, human lives and disabilities.  These men and women have moved our nation and the rest of the world toward the brink of destruction. The free people of the world are now becoming slaves not only to their government, but  the overcontrolled financial system that has been created by all of the Fiat currencies of the world.   The people of the world are now slaves by another name, Citizens of the World.  The New World Order is now being brought to a reality.  This Order will enslave all of people and governments of the world.  This will end any and all soveriegnty of nations of the world.

As I truely hope that the true country men and women will quickly come to reality and grab  the political bull by the horns and give it a good shake.  We have been suffocated by the lifer type politicians of the country.  The people should realize that our government was set up to be operated by the people of the country not the so called Elite of Society.  Most of the Elite of Society are all about themselves and do not give one Iota about you, your families and most importantly the whole countries problems.  These person are worried about how much power they can wield and how much they have to repay the lobbyists and donators   When in the end their is not one thing left for the people, empty promises and nothing

This is the new face of the New World Order.
You can not trust one person in the government, you must watch their every move.  The government is not your friend, it is your controller.  This is not the idea of the founders We the People should be the controllers not us the Elite.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Values Of Today's Youth

As my wife and I were sitting here in a truck stop in Las Vegas we witnessed one of the most terrible things I have seen in a long time.  We were sitting in our vehicle just after eating a small meal when a company vehicle of another truck stop comes in by the fuel island and sees a group of pigeons and aims for them and steps on the gas, not the worst part after the driver stepped on the fuel he laughed and the one bird was killed and another animal was injured its leg was broken.  He then came back out about twenty minutes later and floored the fuel again.  The parking is not only  for parking but is a thoroughfare for the pedestrians.  If any persons had been walking in this area the driver would not have been able to stop.  These actions by this person are not only cruel but dangerous to the persons who would be or could be walking in this area.  This person not only is dangerous and cruel but he has does not posses any common sense.  The area also has many drivers walking their dogs to the small bit of area that the parking lot holds for animals to relieve themselves.

The industry of transportation has enough of a bad name, they do not need people outside the system to help their bad name along.  I watched a man walk through who drives his own personal camper, looked at the dead bird and shook his head thinking it was a truck driver, I said no it was a young man driving a pick-up truck not a commercial driver.

This attitude is what the youth of today thinks of things, no respect of anything.  They want to do what they want, when they want, and not to have anyone say a thing to them.  This kind of person is what is wrong with today’s world, not responsible.  This is cruel and unusable treatment of an animal and should not be tolerated.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Treason of the highest order.

In the speech given by Leon Panetta and his responses before Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama that the U.S. Military did not need to go the Congress for permission for deployment of  our troops.  Only President Obama and he need inform them, if they wish to.  All they need to do is have a permission slip from the United Nations, or the NATO alliance.  This leads me to believe that He or the President has entered into some kind of negotiations with the world powers.  This in is itself a violation of the Logan Act dated 1799 with the last revision in1994.  I have read this law as posted on the internet.  I  also have listen to the speeches and the debates by Romney, he is also a person of questionable character.  Romney says he will deploy or declare war whenever he thinks it is in the best interest of the country, and then let the lawyers sort it out later, that is not how our nation was established.  Mr. Leon Panetta and the President to my knowledge have not been vetted by the Congress to enter into any Treaty or agreement with the UN or Nato, or have I heard of any treaty sent to the Senate to be ratified.  I know this is a fact because I am a veteran of Viet Nam, I took this oath when I entered the military, this oath lasts until the day you die.

These statements and the actions by the President and the Secretary of Defense are the Highest Form of Treason.  These people have given control of our sovereign nation to the world not just another person or country.  This will put control of one of the strongest Militaries and the highest technologies at the hands of some of the worlds most radical people, and according to the high government officials we will go and have to spill our families blood for their agendas.  These kind of statements are not what this countries military might is about.  It is about keeping our country safe from invaders and people who want to destroy our Constitution.  Everybody who holds and office in this country from the lowest private in the Military to the President they all take the same basic oath, I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United State from all  invadors foreign or domestic. Also by some of the bills being passed and presented to the floors of Congress this also sheds some questionable light on some of our representatives.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tears of my Father

As I would visit my father when my wife and I would take a few days off from being on the road, I would wake up in the morning, and my father would be sitting at the kitchen table drinking his morning coffee, reading the newspaper, and he would be in tears.  I always thought that his arthritis would be really painful in the morning, but not the case.  I finally asked him one day while we were alone, his response floored me from my chair.  He talked to me for quite a while.  He had told me that the world was becoming what he had so fervently fought against during World War II.  This was 2003, he had read the patriot act during that time and he had said this is how it all started with Germany in the 30’s.  He said that while in school he had learned about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it had stood at that time.  He had also watched as Franklin had taken so many liberties with the power of the White House.

My father and my uncle both went to war, one in Europe and one in the Pacific.  He also had told me, but what I had already had known, that the American people as a whole were becoming very complacent and unaware of their governments happenings.  He had also had fear being taxed into oblivion as the English had done at the beginning of our great country.  The English were over governing our land and taking all of the riches for themselves, just as the present day government is doing to us today.  His conclusion at that time was,  Why did we fight WWII at all, the wishes that were Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo are coming to pass.

My thoughts were very aroused at this point, so I started following the news and the laws more closely.  I can say almost without hesitation that being a over the road driver, seeing many parts of the country and talking to various people that my father was right.  Being under the direct control  of the U.S. Department of Transportation I feel that I am in 1935 Germany, with the oppression that Jewish had felt, the only difference is I don’t have the tattoo and the YELLOW STAR OF DAVID sown on my shirt.  We as a group of people, the trucking industry, are always asked, show me your papers,  where are you going, and where are you coming from, this is in my opinion a very good and subtle way to bring the masses under control.

As an over the road driver with my wife our every move is tracked. Some companies track their drivers in real time with Qualcom, while a good thing on occasions is just another way of big brother to watch you, it is for own protection.  I would rather be unprotected and follow the guide lines of the 2nd and 4th Amendment of the Constitution.  I am also a Military veteran, Viet Nam, so I have a basic knowledge how to use myself and a firearm as a weapon.

I as a U.S. Citizen love the country I was born in, this country is very fruitful and has a lot of different kinds of people, very diverse.  What I do not like is what our government is doing to its citizens under the guise of it is for your own protection.  We have a Constitution and it has been thrown into the trash.  I took an oath when I went into the service that stated that I would protect and defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, when I was discharge from the service not one person on my exit interviews told me I was dismissed from that obligation, I am a U.S. Citizen.  All government officials take a similar oath of office and at this time I do not see them keeping theirs oaths.  I have respect for all people, but the government has rapidly lost mine.  It will take a very large amount of work for them to reacquire that trust.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Today's life as I see it.

As I view life today I have feelings of deja vu.  As a history buff I see history in a repeat cycle.  In the 1930's with Adolph on the rise I read and have talked to people who saw their freedoms being eroded away little by little. This is the same thing that is happening right now. I see the political rhetoric from on candidate to another but I do not see any actions but throat cutting to each other.

As I have been viewing the actions of all the candidates my take on the situation is this:

1.  Sometime before the month of October 2012 there will be a national state of emergency discussed and put into action by the present government officials.

2.  Sometime prior to election day marshal law will be declared and the political elections for all of the country will be put on hold as such time as the government thinks it is safe to hold elections again.

 3.  The U.S. Constitution will be set aside and as The President has said it is an obsolete document, no longer viable in today's world.  The New World Order.