Saturday, March 10, 2012

Treason of the highest order.

In the speech given by Leon Panetta and his responses before Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama that the U.S. Military did not need to go the Congress for permission for deployment of  our troops.  Only President Obama and he need inform them, if they wish to.  All they need to do is have a permission slip from the United Nations, or the NATO alliance.  This leads me to believe that He or the President has entered into some kind of negotiations with the world powers.  This in is itself a violation of the Logan Act dated 1799 with the last revision in1994.  I have read this law as posted on the internet.  I  also have listen to the speeches and the debates by Romney, he is also a person of questionable character.  Romney says he will deploy or declare war whenever he thinks it is in the best interest of the country, and then let the lawyers sort it out later, that is not how our nation was established.  Mr. Leon Panetta and the President to my knowledge have not been vetted by the Congress to enter into any Treaty or agreement with the UN or Nato, or have I heard of any treaty sent to the Senate to be ratified.  I know this is a fact because I am a veteran of Viet Nam, I took this oath when I entered the military, this oath lasts until the day you die.

These statements and the actions by the President and the Secretary of Defense are the Highest Form of Treason.  These people have given control of our sovereign nation to the world not just another person or country.  This will put control of one of the strongest Militaries and the highest technologies at the hands of some of the worlds most radical people, and according to the high government officials we will go and have to spill our families blood for their agendas.  These kind of statements are not what this countries military might is about.  It is about keeping our country safe from invaders and people who want to destroy our Constitution.  Everybody who holds and office in this country from the lowest private in the Military to the President they all take the same basic oath, I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United State from all  invadors foreign or domestic. Also by some of the bills being passed and presented to the floors of Congress this also sheds some questionable light on some of our representatives.

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