In the days before most of us were born there was a Tri-Partite pact of the most evil people of power. They were Hitler,Musolini, and Hirohito. Their ambitions were the conquest of their areas of the World, Hitler and Musolin were in Europe, and Hirohito with his co-hortes in Asia, The Greater Asian Co-Prosperity. This enraged the mostly free countries of the world to the edges of their chairs. The actions of these men brought the world to the war of epic propotions. Many live were lost on all sides of the globe. The lives were not only lost due to beliefs and positions of their respective countries but also to the blind following of the leaders above them. At the end of the war there were trials and finger pointing to this very day. I have my own thoughts on these subjects as due many other people.
This is the recent history which most of to this day still remember. The comunism and fascism of the mid 1900's is still fresh in the minds and hearts of the above forty types. The under forties have not felt the impact of the times of war or post war. They only know about the hardships thru the school system, or the disabled veteran neighbor or relative.
We now face a new Tri-Partite Pact. The new pact involves more than three nations. It involves Obama,or Romney of the U.S., the U.N. Vladamir Putin, Hu Jintao, Goldman Sachs, J.P.Morgan Chase, and last but not least the Council on Foreign relations. The evils in the minds of these men and women far exceed the wildest dreams of their predesessors of the 20th Century. These people have involved our sovereign nation in many small but costly wars that by all standards of humanity we should have never be involved in. The costs of these war, have be overwhelming by all standards no only money, but the devastation of countryside, human lives and disabilities. These men and women have moved our nation and the rest of the world toward the brink of destruction. The free people of the world are now becoming slaves not only to their government, but the overcontrolled financial system that has been created by all of the Fiat currencies of the world. The people of the world are now slaves by another name, Citizens of the World. The New World Order is now being brought to a reality. This Order will enslave all of people and governments of the world. This will end any and all soveriegnty of nations of the world.
As I truely hope that the true country men and women will quickly come to reality and grab the political bull by the horns and give it a good shake. We have been suffocated by the lifer type politicians of the country. The people should realize that our government was set up to be operated by the people of the country not the so called Elite of Society. Most of the Elite of Society are all about themselves and do not give one Iota about you, your families and most importantly the whole countries problems. These person are worried about how much power they can wield and how much they have to repay the lobbyists and donators When in the end their is not one thing left for the people, empty promises and nothing
This is the new face of the New World Order.
You can not trust one person in the government, you must watch their every move. The government is not your friend, it is your controller. This is not the idea of the founders We the People should be the controllers not us the Elite.